Welcome to the studio!

Things are going to be a bit messy around here while I reorganize the new site so hang tight!
Feel free to look around in the meantime, however.

My usual haunts:

something missing? let me know and I might add it.

[Some Other Thing For Some Reason]


I'm wondering if I should keep the blue transparent background on the navbar. Perhaps I should make it darker.Also, I want to make custom "containing images" for the gallery. Carrd's galleries are functional, I guess... but they look ugly when it comes to stuff that isn't the same dimensions. Then again, I really don't want to use google drive if I don't have to -- it kinda incentivises downloading. it's not something I want to encourage.also my birthday is tomorrow so that's cool 🎊🎊🎊🎊

⌚Mar 25, 2024

I'm elevatorz. The Funicular Fool, a robot from space, a guy who's perhaps a bit too much into rhythm games... point is, I make videos on the internet about fictional facilities that are in NO way osha-compliant.I use some software to make these videos happen, these being
OBS Studio: For recording stuff
Photoshop: For the graphical stuff and thumbnails
Premiere Pro: For editing stuff
If you're interested in using clips of my content for your own (transformative) works or reference purposes, feel free to do so if you credit me via a link to my YouTube channel.
Please don't reupload my stuff in full without my permission. I've done enough DMCA takedowns to ban entire channels, and I'd rather you not have to deal with any of that. (My record was 11 takedown requests. Try not to beat that record. :] )
At some point in the future, I want to get my own proper website. Let's be honest, carrd sucks for anything that involves actual customization. I've been eyeballing neocities, but I need to learn html. If only there was a project I could use as an excuse to learn it... hm... ( ̄ヘ ̄;)